Streamline Identity Checks (SSA-89)

The need for certainty cannot be overstated when it comes to SSN verification.

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Social Security Number (SSN) verification is a very important step for loan applications and mortgages.

Identity verification is something that financing companies must get right.

Having a quick and accurate SSN verification service can make a big difference for lenders, improving business operations. Identity verification services are one of our areas of expertise here at First Line Data. We provide direct consent social security number verification (SSA-89). We utilize a direct Consent Based Social Security Number Verification (CBSV) channel with the Social Security Administration (SSA). This allows First Line Data’s SSN verification service to work with the SSA for quick social security number verification; there is no verification from a third party. By working with our SSN verification service team, identity verification results can be available for you in minutes. Working with First Line Data can make the entire SSA direct-verify process more efficient.

First Line Data’s SSN Verification Service is designed to present information in an easy-to-read format that can help mitigate mistakes, risks, and misread data. The information is available online at all times of the day and covers everything from identity checks to SSN and SSA-89 checks. The report comes in a PDF document that is easy to access. The data is presented with a simple “MATCH” or “NO MATCH” description, so you can save time. If you would like to learn more about our identity verification services, contact our team today.

SSN Verification Service and validation directly from the SSA meets your borrower loan origination requirements.

Using our direct Consent Based Social Security Number Verification (CBSV) channel with the Social Security Administration (SSA), which is the only definitive method of SSN verification available today. Identity check results are ready within minutes in a PDF format report.


  • SSN verification directly from SSA (no third party companies utilized)
  • Definitive “MATCH” or “NO MATCH”


  • Easy to read/understand presentation
  • Official identity check from the source
  • Effective risk mitigation tool
  • No monthly minimums or set-up fees

loan officer screening

wire fraud prevention

vendor screening

counterparty oversight

tpo approvals/ recertification

warehouse line approvals

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